Collection: "The Club"


Step into THE CLUB, where absolutes are elusive, and no perspective is deemed too insignificant. This exclusive enclave invites you to plunge into a compelling fusion of history and contemporary dynamics, ethics intertwined with economics, and the duality of heroes and anti-heroes.

A pivotal query within The Club revolves around the ethical standing of its members. Tech moguls have undeniably become the modern-day autocrats of the 21st century, yet the inquiry persists: Are these tech titans more ethically inclined than the autocratic rulers of the past century? Figures like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Larry Page command private fortunes eclipsing the gross national products of entire nations such as Iceland or Cambodia. Are the ethics of The Club's members under scrutiny, particularly those associated with tech giants and their colossal corporations?

The dilemma extends further: Who holds the authority to determine whether their immense capabilities serve society's well-being or the pursuit of profit? Or could they be symbolic representations of a profound flaw in the system—a world where a select few amass astronomical wealth while countless others grapple for survival, with over half of the global population subsisting on less than 50 kroner a day?

The Club embarks on a visual and aesthetic odyssey, probing the multifaceted nature of power. Historical dictators like Mao, Mugabe, Hitler, and Gaddafi find themselves juxtaposed with contemporary tech magnates such as Elon Musk, Larry Page, Bill Gates, and Sam Altman.

The essence of The Club is encapsulated in a lingering question: Are we on the cusp of a new era, where dictatorial powers are now draped in the guise of tech giants? Explore the enigma within The Club's walls and contemplate the evolving landscape of influence and authority.