About Kevin Wood


















Kevin Paul Wood

Kevin Wood is an artist whose artistic prowess lies in the realm of

dystopian portraiture. His compositions depict figures that seam-
lessly merge the boundaries between machine and human, resulting

in hauntingly captivating and deeply evocative artworks. With meticu-
lous attention to detail, he creates unsettling compositions that evoke

a sense of unease and fascination in equal measure. Wood has been
represented in several different galleries in Denmark and has had solo
exhibitions in Århus, Viborg and Herning.
Drawing inspiration from the likes of Hieronymus Bosch, Anselm
Kiefer, and Otto Dix, Wood’s style encompasses a fusion of dark
surrealism, symbolism, and an exploration of the human condition.

Much like Bosch, Wood constructs grotesque scenes where mechan-
ical elements are fused with anthropomorphic figures, where mon-
strous creatures emerge from the depths of the canvas and serve as

a commentary on the clash between mind and (mechanical) matter.
His ability to juxtapose the human and machine elements seamlessly is

inspiring, and is achieved through great technical prowess and meticu-
lous attention to detail. Working with both oil and acrylic paint, he also

combines both traditional and modern painting methods.
Wood’s canvases serve as a powerful testament to the contradictions

of our contemporary world. They confront us with the uneasy coexis-
tence of technological progress and our primal instincts, urging us to

reflect upon the consequences of our choices as a society. Through his
art, Wood challenges the viewer to question the ethical implications
of our rapidly evolving relationship with technology and confront the
raw, untamed aspects of our human nature that persist in spite of it all.